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“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
Verse: Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV)
Spoiler alert: God created your wonderful self.
God knew you from the very beginning of your existence; He chose you. Before you were born, God had a plan for your life. Although God is speaking to Jeremiah in the above passage, this isn’t just about Jeremiah. The truth remains: We are all set apart for a purpose—His purpose!
Thank God He didn’t make us all the same. Cookie cutter versions of one another with none of the diversity or character traits that make us exclusive one-of-a-kinds. God formed each and every one of us differently for a reason.
God sees the road ahead for each of us. The bumps, roadblocks and bridges. No matter the journey life takes us on, God is fully aware of the direction of our steps before we even take them. What an amazing thing to wrestle with. That God has designed a plan, setting us apart, yet letting us find our way to the finish line.
Each of our goals are different. The roads we take in life are different. Yet one common thread is woven through it all: No matter the purpose we’re destined to fulfill, it all leads back to God.
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Early detection and immediate treatment saves lives. Schedule your colonoscopy, mammogram, lung or heart scan today!
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