Day 32

Today I will …


Find out how far you’ve moved the dial

After a worldwide pandemic and difficult year, we’ve been on a journey together to reawaken our happiness by focusing on our body, mind and spirit.

At the start of the Do Good. Feel Good. 30-Day Challenge, you took a happiness quiz. There was no failing the test. It merely provided you with a snapshot of where you were in life at the moment. The purpose of the quiz was to show you where you were and, perhaps, where you wanted to end up. 


The entire Do Good. Feel Good. 30-Day Challenge was designed to push you out of your comfort zone physically, mentally and spiritually as well as turn up the dial on your happiness and overall wellness. Now that you’ve completed the challenge, retake the happiness quiz and see how your outlook has changed. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

Share how you’re completing today’s challenge on social. Tag a friend to join the challenge with you! #DGFGChallenge