Day 10 Devotional

“Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.”

Verse: Psalm 51:7 (NIV)

Have you ever participated in a Mud Run—those obstacle courses that involve obscene amounts of mud? When you’ve completed the race, participants are covered from head to toe in God’s sopping-wet soil. These runs are a great way to tap into your childlike nature since youngsters don’t think anything of jumping into mud puddles or diving into rain-soaked leaf piles. Being dirty on the outside is one thing because it’s easy to clean up with a bit of soap and water. What’s on the inside is trickier, however. Like when terrible thoughts roll around in your head, escape through your mouth, and hurt yourself or those around you. Though you may seek to do better, you struggle on your own.


At some point in your life, chances are you have lashed out at somebody, saying something cruel out of anger, hurt, jealousy, grief, or sadness, and it doesn’t sit well with your soul. You may also be what I call a “negative self-talker.” If you are, you are your own worst critic, constantly pointing out every flaw you see in yourself and playing that narrative over and over in your mind until you break yourself down.


God wants both of these behaviors to stop. He created you because He loves you and wants what’s best for you. As such, each time you ask for forgiveness, he washes you clean and provides a “fresh slate,” if you will—kind of like when you take your daily shower. When you feel dirty in mind or spirit, dive into God’s Word and let Him wash you with His water through His word and cleanse your heart. You’ll never feel more squeaky clean!