Day 14 Devotional

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

Verse: Colossians 2:6-7 (NIV)

Have you ever been stuck in traffic, but there is some poor soul who is trying to merge into your lane? Despite the fact the line is backed up as far as the eye can see, you wave the person in. When that person scoots in and shoots you a wave, you feel a little flutter in your heart for having done a good deed. But if that person doesn’t give you a thumbs-up, a smile or nod, or something to show their appreciation, you might feel a tiny stab to the heart and mutter, “What? Not even a ‘thank-you’ wave?”


It may sound silly and superficial, but the truth is that showing thanks is a big deal. Or at least it should be. It’s why parents start teaching manners to their kiddos at such an early age so that it becomes ingrained in their psyches. Using these phrases should be intentional and not used flippantly or without sincerity.


Showing thankfulness to others is part of what it means to feel God’s joy, which He provides to believers under all circumstances—for instance, when you need courage, strength, love, or mercy. When you intentionally tell another “thank you,” you are spreading God’s joy to others. That “thank-you” acknowledgment in traffic is like Jesus waving at you! Perhaps that’s why my heart does that flutter when I see it.