Day 11 Devotional

“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”

Verse: Psalm 51:7 (NIV)

God loves it when we serve others with no expectations and no strings attached. People do it every day. Parents caring for a newborn. A stranger opening a door. Someone pulling on your arm at a crosswalk to keep you from distractedly stepping into traffic. In all those scenarios, there’s no negotiations about who will do what. Those acts of helping others are simply done because it’s the right thing to do, but they do not go unnoticed. God sees you.


Leading a life of serving others, with no expectation it will be returned, is God’s love in action. There’s no task too big or too small done on God’s behalf. It takes a lot of humility to serve behind the scenes without selfish reasons. To not seek credit nor accolades because you donated the gigantic coffee-filled canister at work this month, took the trash out without needling your forgetful husband, or because you went above and beyond during a friend’s time of need is difficult but humbling. 


Jesus knew how to be a quiet servant. He washed people’s feet. He fed thousands. He died so we might live—there will never be a greater sacrifice for another.